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Home » News » Ollie & Isla’s Success Story

Name: Ollie & Isla
Breed: Weimaraner & Viszla x Labrador
Training: One-to-one Lessons

Rosie and Ollie joined us to work on Ollie’s reactivity towards both humans and dogs. Ollie’s reactivity towards people had escalated to the point where he even bit Rosie’s partner, Jack. Determined to restore peace to their walks and everyday life, they sought help from a dog trainer. After visiting numerous dog trainers in the past, they decided to reach out to us for some support. Through a series of tailored one-to-one lessons, Ollie made remarkable progress. With structured training and positive reinforcement, he gained confidence and learned to remain calm around others.

As a result, Rosie, Jack, and Ollie now enjoy leisurely walks, pub outings, and holidays in the UK without any signs of distress or reactivity.Today, Ollie’s once-troublesome reactivity is a thing of the past, replaced by a calm, neutral demeanor.

Jack and Rosie are so relaxed and happy with Ollie now that they decided to get another dog! They welcomed Isla into their home about 6 months back and have worked hard with her since the day they brought her home to ensure they avoid any behavioral issues in the future.

If you’re facing similar challenges with your dog, don’t lose hope. Contact us today to start your own journey towards a happier, more balanced lifestyle with your dog! Together, we can help you achieve success and harmony.

Rosie says: “We’ve been training with Madi for over a year now and she has absolutely transformed our life with our dog. He is a senior rescue and was reactive with multiple triggers and now he can go for a calm walk anywhere with no reactions! His quality of life has improved so much which is what I am the most grateful for! Madi gave us so much confidence in our ability that we added a puppy to our family 6 months ago. Madi helped us throughout the whole puppy experience and was only a message away, I always feel like I can ask her anything no matter how small. Now we have an extremely well behaved adolescent dog that we can take anywhere with us I attend the weekly obedience class with her in which she is excelling, Madi has been able to show me how I can fulfill her needs as she is a high energy breed. I couldn’t recommend Madi enough, my dogs lives are so much richer because of her help!! “

Learn more: Residential Dog Training